What the difference between Black Tea and Green Tea?

What the difference between Black Tea and Green Tea / black and green tea / loose leaf tea / tea benefits

Black and green teas are the most loved and popular drinks all over the world. They have been known since time immemorial and become a part of the culture and history of many countries. The aroma and taste of these drinks can differ dramatically, but still, is there such a big difference between black and green tea?

Tea plant / Green Tea / Black Tea / Difference between green tea and black tea

Evergreen tea plant

Surprisingly, the leaves for the preparation of black and green tea are collected from the same plant - Camellia Sinensis.

Camellia sinensis is an evergreen low plant. More than 300 varieties of camellia sinensis are cultivated in the world, which grows in areas with a warm and humid climate. The leaves of this plant have a rich composition. They contain macro- and microelements, vitamins, essential oils, which makes it possible to obtain different products as a result of using various processing methods.

Tea leaf fermentation

The main differences between black and green tea are laid at the stage of processing plant materials.

Collected young leaves and unblown buds of tea plants turn into finished tea under the influence of various processes:

- For green tea, the raw materials are mainly subjected to drying only. The degree of fermentation of green tea is not more than 3-12%.

- For the preparation of black tea, the collected raw materials, oxidized at elevated temperatures as a result of which fermentation occurs. After reaching the required level of fermentation 70-85%, the tea leaves are dried in a special oven.

Fermentation is the transformation of the structure of the tea leaf. As a result of this process, the color, aroma, and taste of plant materials change, as well as the chemical composition.

Benefits and properties of green tea and black tea

Green tea undergoes minimal processing, due to which it almost completely retains its natural composition. It contains a large amount of antioxidants, and vitamins B, B1, B2, B15, potassium, fluorine, zinc, iodine, vitamins A, C and P.

Green Tea benefits / premium green tea / loose leaf tea

Properly brewed quality green tea:

- Helps to maintain youth and beauty, since the high content of antioxidants slows down the aging process

- Normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system

- Lowers blood pressure

- Nourishes the brain tissue, has an anti-sclerotic effect

- Promotes the elimination of toxins from the body

- Maintains healthy gums and teeth

- Has a diuretic effect

- Improves the condition of bones, replenishing the deficiency of manganese

- Promotes weight loss


Black tea undergoes a high level of fermentation, which significantly changes its structure and chemical composition. Compared to green tea, it contains fewer nutrients, but green tea is rich in vitamins PP, P, and group B, as well as iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.

 black tea / black tea benefits / loose leaf tea

Properly brewed quality black tea:

 - Strengthens the immune system, helping to fight with colds and infectious diseases more easily

- Improves the functioning of the endocrine system

- Increases the tone of capillaries and blood vessels

- Stimulates mental activity

- Increases blood pressure

- Helps maintain healthy hair and skin

- Promotes weight loss


The brewing difference between black tea and green tea

Premium Loose Leaf Teas by My Teamania, as well as tea blends based on black and green tea, are brewed in different ways.

 Green tea is steeped with slightly cooled water - the optimum temperature is 175 - 185 Fahrenheit degrees. When using boiling water, many of the useful properties of the drink are lost. The infusion time can be from a minute to 3 minutes (depending on the type of green tea and the number of brews).

 Black tea is steeped with hot water (190 -212 Fahrenheit degrees). If you use more chilled water, then the tea leaf will not brew well, will not be able to fully open and give away all the useful substances contained in it. Only when using hot water, the infusion of black tea will turn out to be rich and fragrant.

 With all the differences between these teas, each of them has a lot of fans. And you don't have to choose which one is better. My Teamania Premium Loose Leaf Tea has a large assortment of teas and tea blends, allow you to prepare aromatic drinks according to your mood, for every taste and for any occasion.

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