Black Tea Benefits and Side Effects

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Black tea (as well as flower and fruit flavored black tea blends) remains an invariably popular drink. All kind of white, green, and herbal teas are, of course, common, but, for the most part, remain the prerogative of gourmets. And only black tea can be found in almost any kitchen. It is offered in offices, served in catering establishments, restaurants, bakeries, included in the menu of schools, and simply brewed during family or friends tea parties. So, what is the reason for a love for a fragrant golden brown or dark amber tea drink? Is it equally useful for everyone?

What is the Black Tea is?

The raw materials for the production of black teas are young leaves and not yet blossoming buds of the evergreen plant Camellia Sinensis. Plantations on which plants are grown to produce black tea are located mainly in Sri Lanka, India.


black tea benefits / loose leaf black tea / black tea healthy

Once harvested, the plant material undergoes a lengthy fermentation process. For this purpose, tea leaves and buds are kept at elevated temperatures for a certain time, which leads to the oxidation of plant materials. As a result, its structure and composition change; some natural components are destroyed, but other useful substances appear.


The degree of fermentation of black tea usually ranges from 70-85%.

 When preparing a hot black tea, a significant part of the substances dissolves in water and enters the infusion, enriching it with useful properties.


Black leaf tea contains:

Caffeine - has a stimulating invigorating effect on the body of a healthy person.

Catechin and epicatechin - give the black tea a bitterness taste. They have antimicrobial properties and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Vitamin B2 - has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and liver, improves skin condition, adapts visual perception in twilight and darkness.

Vitamin C - promotes the absorption of iron and improves the functioning of the immune system.

Iron - is part of the blood and tissues of the body, is involved in the transport of oxygen.

Magnesium - takes part in the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids, as well as in energy metabolism.

Phosphorus - necessary for saturating teeth and bones with essential minerals.

Potassium - is involved in many vital processes of the body, including the regulation of water and acid balance and the regulation of pressure.

Calcium - is the basis of bones and teeth, acts as a regulator of the nervous system.

All these substances can enter the body when drinking regular Black Tea or Black Tea Blends. At the same time, a regular cup of black tea without sugar or other additives contains only about 5 calories.


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Benefits of Black tea

Daily drinking of good quality black tea has the following positive effects on the body:

  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases
  • Boosting immunity
  • Improving the functioning of the endocrine system
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Decrease blood sugar
  • Normalization of digestion
  • Stroke prevention
  • Increased tone of blood vessels and capillaries
  • Stimulation of mental activity
  • Maintaining healthy hair and skin
  • Reducing the level of unwanted cholesterol
  • Cancer prevention
  • Increased concentration of attention


Potential side effects of black tea

The main contraindications to the use of black tea are:

Hypertension - black tea raises the blood pressure.

Insomnia - in case of sleep disturbance, in the afternoon it is better to replace black tea with caffeine free herbal tea. This is because of black tea has an invigorating effect and stimulates mental activity.

Serious gastrointestinal diseases - because of black tea can increase acidity.

Pregnancy and lactation - black tea contains caffeine, which may be undesirable for the formation and development of the unborn child. The woman herself may experience a rapid heartbeat, the appearance of toxicosis.

Young children are allowed to drink black tea, but in small quantities and black tea should be not strong. The reason is the caffeine mentioned above and the property of a strong drink to increase blood pressure.


Thus, even the most delicious and healthy black tea should be consumed in reasonable quantities in accordance with your well-being.


Enjoy Your Black Tea from My Teamania with Love

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