How many calories are in tea?

weight loss green tea / loose leaf tea / green tea good for health / green tea benefits

When you decide to buy tea, only few people think about the calories content of this product. But there is a lot to talk about here. 

For those who follow a diet, watch their body shape, or count the calorie content of each dish, there is good news: one cup of tea contains from 2 to 5 calories (of course with no sugar, milk or other additives). My Teamania Premium Loose Leaf Tea contains only pure tea, naturally dried fruits, and flowers to keep your body and health in great shape. All other calories are additional, and they appear from sugar, honey, jam, milk and etc. Green tea has the lowest calories content of 1-3 calories, while black tea has the highest.

Tea as an element of dietary nutrition

In addition to such a low calorie content, green tea has been studied by scientists to promote weight loss. Green tea polyphenols have been found to block the activity of amylase, an enzyme found in saliva that breaks down carbohydrates. This is what allows green tea to accelerate fat burning, rather than its accumulation.

weight loss green tea / loose leaf tea / green tea good for health / green tea benefits

And theobromine contained in green tea has a diuretic effect, so green tea can gently remove excess water from the body, and this is also a factor of losing weight.

During the diet, it is recommended to drink at least 3-4 cups of green tea daily: it has the ability to gently suppress appetite, helping to fight the desire to eat something. Very important to drinking green tea or green tea blends without additives as sugar, honey, milk etc. My Teamania Loose Leaf Tea never use any additives in the tea blends and keep the infusions in 0-5 calories.

 In order for all trace elements, vitamins, amino acids and polyphenols to act as efficiently as possible, you should buy only fresh products. My Teamania Tea shop is specializing only on fresh assortment of pure premium loose leaf tea and tea blends.

weight loss tea / black tea healthy / loose leaf tea benefits

The pleasure from the wonderful taste, delicate aroma of the My Teamania Loose Leaf Tea will improve your mood and will not affect your figure in any way, saving you from the need to count calories. My Teamania reminds you that you can buy high quality tea and tea blends in our tea shop, because we have such products that will give you real pleasure from tea drinking.

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